Group, Family and Couples Therapy St. Charles IL – Bellosa Counseling – Call 847-656-5259
Every family has its own particular issues that may cause problems, and its own way of communicating with one another. Within family units, even if just one individual is having tough times or coping with emotional setbacks, it still has an impact on everyone else. When a family member is battling an addiction problem, for example, everyone around that person will also be suffering. It’s this dynamic of human relationships that makes therapy so beneficial.
Family therapy is frequently used in coordination with treatment for an individual family member’s problem that is having an effect on the whole family – such as alcohol addiction, substance abuse, divorce or behavioral problems. As in any system, many issues are connected.
As an alternative to approaching problems exclusively on an individual basis, family therapy recognizes that individual, specific problems within the family unit impacts other members of the family too, so the best solution is to involve all members. The objective is to fulfill the needs of all of the members of the family – because when the whole unit functions better each individual does better as well.
Family therapy is beneficial for:
-Preparation for a divorce or for a remarriage
-Coping with the death of a loved one
-Dealing with mental illness, emotional or behavioral issues
-Helping family members to identify their weaknesses and strengths
-Develop new, better ways to communicate emotions, which leads to increased intimacy and a stronger family unit.
-Develop ways to overcome challenging issues
-Resolve problems and lack of communication between siblings and between parents and children
-Gain clearer outlook of how a healthy family functions and each individual’s role
-Open discussion of emotions concerning specific issues that the family faces.
Group Family and Couples Therapy St. Charles IL Counseling
For many couples, the notion of talking with a stranger about their relationship can seem difficult. While it might be uncomfortable to consider revealing details of your marriage or personal relationship to a counselor, one of the many benefits is the access to a professional with whom you may speak freely about the challenges in your marriage or relationship. Clients frequently discover that they do not have an outlet where they may share the details about the issues they’re facing.
Talking about issues such as sex or finances is tough enough with your partner or spouse, let alone with other relatives or friends. However, it can be much easier to talk with a professional counselor who is experienced in assessing these matters without making any judgments.
Relationships can be a challenge for practically anyone. One of the issues that can make them confusing is defining the way we feel about our spouse or partner. Some couples will enter counseling already knowing they wish to remain together and work through their issues.
Others may enter counseling in a state of confusion about their relationship and with questions about whether it will continue. With a set place and time for counseling, couples can express their feelings and thoughts and choose the direction they wish to take. In couples counseling near me, your counselor serves as a kind of guide through these procedures by highlighting elements of your marriage or relationship that you might not see.
Group Therapy
Therapy is not limited to the counsel of an individual therapist. In fact, group therapy can provide a very effective setting for treating behavioral health issues. Group therapy sessions generally are conducted by one or more professional therapists who work with several clients at the same time to address a condition or experience for which all the group members are seeking treatment. Though group therapy can be utilized alone, it’s more typically used along with individual therapies and possibly medications.