Opiate Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL – Bellosa Counseling – Call 847-656-5259

Recognizing the symptoms and signs of opiate addiction can help you make a firm decision about seeking professional counseling. Every experience with addiction is very different from one person to the next – if you, a friend or a family member is struggling, Bellosa Counseling is here to help.

There are telltale, common indications of an opiate addiction. These specific symptoms, however, will often vary a lot depending on the level of abuse, how long the person has been using opiates, and a number of personal factors. Signs and symptoms that might be present in someone who is addicted to opiates often include:

Behavioral Symptoms

-Lying or stealing from friends or coworkers.
-Socially isolated or withdrawn.
-Borrowing money frequently.
-Incoherent, slurred speech.
-Doctor shopping or forging medical prescriptions.

Physical Symptoms

-Rapid weight loss, fluctuating weight.
-Dry mouth.
-Injection sites, track marks.

Opiate Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL

Opiate Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL

Genetic Factors
Research indicates that some individuals may have a hereditary predisposition to developing an addiction. People with relatives who have a history of addiction and substance abuse are typically at a higher risk of forming an addiction once they start using a drug.

Recurring drug use can change the way the brain experiences pleasure and even cause physical changes to nerve cells that affect how neurotransmitters communicate. Chemical and physical imbalances within the brain can consequently lead to addiction as a way to make things feel in balance again for the user. Research also suggests that low self-esteem can make people more susceptible to abusing opiates.

Environmental factors, like stressful personal relationships, lack of adequate housing, lower socioeconomic status, family attitudes and ongoing exposure to peer groups that engage in drug consumption can all put one at a greater risk of developing an opiate addiction.