Today’s teens can sometimes face a lot of anxiety yet are often silenced by societal and family pressures. Supplying teens the chance to be a part of their own therapy enables them to develop skills that help them gain independence. Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL can improve general functioning at home, in school and in social settings.

Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL

Some of most common reasons that young people may seek Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL include:

  • * Chemical dependency, substance abuse
  • * Teenage depression
  • * Difficulty in school, poor grades
  • * Isolation
  • * Difficulties with peer relationships
  • * Anxiety
  • * Perfectionism
  • * Gender role/sexual identity questioning
  • * Self-harming behaviors
  • * Chronic sadness
  • * Stress management
  • * Lack of social skills and meaningful relationships
  • * Trauma from loss of a family member
  • * Addiction
  • * Pregnancy
  • * Physical illness
  • * Parental separation and divorce

Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL is all about helping young people understand their own feelings, thoughts and behavior patterns. This can include conventional talking therapy, or other strategies that draw upon the creative nature of young people like art therapy. These proactive approaches can help teens flourish in a counseling environment.

Adolescence is a stage in development when we make the changeover from childhood to adulthood. This stage generally occurs between the ages of ten and 19. This is a period when a good deal of both mental and physical changes take place, although the onset of puberty can vary for many. These changes may leave adolescents prone to being more sensitive, experience moodiness and go through changes in self-confidence levels. Growing up is characterized by new experiences too. Naturally, this may differ with the individual, but generally the teen years are a stage when young people discover new friends, pressure from peers comes into play and exposure to drugs and alcohol may occur as well. With so much possible temptation there also comes responsibility. The mix of those two factors can cause anxiety and emotional turbulence – which can be explored further through Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL.

When to seek help:

If you’re a teenager and feel unhappy more often than not and it impacts your work at school and your relationships you should consider talking with our professional therapists. Likewise, seek counseling if you are feeling concerned about drug or alcohol consumption, social anxieties or other pressures. Acknowledging that it is time for you to seek help is a critical first step. You can speak to a parent, a trusted teacher, school nurse or your physician and they can help you take the next step.

Teens – just like grownups – can take part in and benefit a great deal from counseling. Working with our experienced therapists can help young people learn how to recognize what is causing their anxiety, develop their communication abilities in asking for help, conveying emotions, and improve their general ability to meet challenges successfully.

A comprehensive, effective approach to Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL considers the physical, societal, economic and emotional factors that impact the daily lives of today’s teens. In therapy sessions at Bellosa Counseling, we help to recognize and develop strengths while also lowering anxiety and improving coping skills. We can also include others in the Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL process based on the nature of the issues at hand. This could include parents, grandparents and siblings.

In summation, don’t assume that feeling depressed is a ‘normal’ part of growing up. Anything that impedes your day-to-day life in a negative way should be resolved – particularly if it involves mental health. For help and for more information about Adolescent Counseling Park Ridge IL contact our offices at 847-656-5952.